December photo of the month

Well, for the last time this year, we are doing the SPCDA pic of the month award. So far this year we have had some winners that were new to the club, some winners that have been with the club for a couple of years and some winners that have been around for……………. a while 🙂. This months winner is one of those that has been around since the dirt in Joanne’s back yard was a pup.
Sorry folks, this month’s (December) winner is yours truly. Hope you all can deal with it, but I really liked my Garf Bonsai pic this month.
So next month we start fresh, so folks, start taking pics again

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

November Photo of the month

Let’s offer our congratulations to Glenn Stewart, our November winner of the SPCDA-POTM. 11 months, 11 different winners, I think we are doing pretty good 🙂🙂. Congrats Glenn, thank you for giving us this pic to look at for the month of November.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

October photo of the month

Let’s say congratulations to the October POTM winner, Randy Thereefer. Randy has been around for a long, long time, and I think this is his first picture winner. Good job Randy!! Keep the pics coming folks, you can still post pics if you have won, we don’t mind at all 🙂.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

September Photo of the month

Good Morning, welcome to the last third of 2021. As we welcome in the fall season, I’m here to congratulate another POTM winner. I think this may be the first pic she has submitted this year, maybe ever 😮. Congrats to Pam Hart Duddy for being this months winner.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

August Photo of the month

Congrats to Jim Hart for the August pic of the month. We had a bunch of good pics for entries and I want to thank all that participated. Don’t stop sending in the pics tho, we are going to need a September winner too come the end of this month!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

July Photo of the month

Congratulations Nicole Markham Alexander, our winner for July! Great picture!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

June photo of the month

Congrats go to Justin Tegge, for this month’s pic of the month 🙂.

Hey folks, thank you for making the choice fun this month, it was nice having a ton of pics to look thru.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

May photo of the month

It’s time for the May picture of the month! Congrats go out to Ben Carolan for this month’s winner. You can enter more than once for each month so keep those pictures coming!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

April Photo of the month

Congrats to Kathryn Day for our April photo of the month that she snuck in 1 day before the deadline. Great pic!!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

March Photo of the Month

Congrats to Thomas Hahn for the March SPCDAPOTM. Great picture 🙂.
Bring on the April pics folks, you have a whole month.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

Inland Northwest reefers dedicated to education through experience in the reefkeeping hobby.