March Photo of the Month

Congrats to Kathryn Day, for being this months Picture of the Month winner. She has donated at least one pic a month for quite a while now and it’s her turn 🙂🙂🙂.

For everyone that entered one this month, thanks for taking the time to enter one. Just cuz you didn’t win doesn’t mean you have to stop entering pics!!!! Keep trying, all the pics are great and we all love looking at everyone’s tank critters!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!new pic info

February Photo of the Month

I want to say congratulations to Justin T Wøød of Stone Age Ceramics-Propagation, for being this months POTM winner.
Thank you sir for taking the time to get a few pics and throwing them into the mix for us!!
Two months down, 10 more to go people!!! If you entered a pic and didn’t win, keep on entering, let’s try and keep Carla busy and entertained

Not only that, taking pics let’s other folks see your tank, that’s the idea!!
Oh…………………………one more thing, Happy Ground Hog day, I know it is one day early, but our flea bitten Pennsylvania rodent needs all the love he can get cuz he is always wrong


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Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!new pic info

January Photo of the Month

Good Morning, let’s congratulate the January’s SPCDA POTM winner Joanne Vega. The colors just blend in this pic, very nice!!

This also means that we are open for pics for the February winner!!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!new pic info

December Photo of the Month

Well, as we finish off the year of Pics of the month, this month I had to go back to August to find a pic from Glenn Hewitt. Congrats Glenn on being the December SPCDA pic of the month.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!new pic info

November Photo of the Month

Congrats to Ben Carolan for this month’s picture of the month. There were no official entries, so I went back and grabbed one from a previous month.

Congrats Ben

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!new pic info

October Photo of the Month

Congratulations to Kathryn Day for being October’s SPCDA picture of the month winner. Another new winner 🙂🙂🙂.

Keep the pics coming, we have 2 months left this year!!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

September Photo of the Month

A little bit late today, was out and about early this morning chasing sunrises, sorry bout that 🙂🙂.

This month’s winner comes from Mr. Ron Boyer again. Ron won in July, but he posted this pic in early August in memory of our mutual friend Mr. John Walters. So here you are John, You are the most honored winner of the September SPCDA picture of the month. ❤❤❤

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

August Photo of the Month

Welcome to August and another version of our SPCDA pic of the month. Lots of early entries this month, and then a flood of late entries that actually made me have to think during my first cup of coffee this morning.

After a 15 minute consultation with my advisor Bessie, we have come to the conclusion that with 3 late entries last night, Our winner this month is none other than Joanne Vega. Congrats Joanne, you have joined your partner as a winner of the SPCDA pic of the month 🙂🙂.

Keep those pictures coming people, there are 4 months left in the year, and hopefully 4 more different people can also claim to be a winner, that is what makes this fun.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

July Photo of the Month

Thanks to a bit of prodding from our fearless leader, I actually had some decent photos to choose from this month!!! A late entry from Ron Boyer was good enuf for me, hope you enjoy it also!!
Let’s keep the entries coming in tho, we have 5 months left to fill up and I would love it if you guys made it hard for me to choose one pic for picture of the month, I love a challenge 🙂.
Congrats Ron, keep the pics coming!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

June Photo of the Month

Good morning, we are congratulating Taylor Caudill for being this month’s Picture of the Month winner 🙂🙂.

Only had 2 folks enter this month, sure would like to see more pictures!!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

Inland Northwest reefers dedicated to education through experience in the reefkeeping hobby.