All posts by polens

May Photo of the Month

Let’s congratulate Nicole Markham Alexander for being this month’s POTM winner 🙂.

Keep the pics coming folks.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

April Photo of the Month

Congrats to Tami Rose for being April’s picture of the month winner with her Hawkfish picture.

Thanks for all the entries, keeps me busy 🙂🙂🙂. Four months down, 8 more winners to go, keep the pics coming folks, you never know when the judges fickle finger of fate will land on your picture.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

March Photo of the Month

Welcome to March, turn another page on your calendars 🙂.

Congratulations to Jeremy Bryan for being this month’s SPCDA picture of the month winner. I guess this is what you get when you experiment with your phone 🙂.

This might also be the first time he has won, I am not sure

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

February Photo of the Month

Good morning 🙂, time for the SPCDA pic of the month.

A big congratulations to Erik H Canady for being this month’s winner with this Zoa pic.

Feel welcome to start posting pics for March, I only had 2 pics this month, it would be nice to have a lot more to choose from…………………………………

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

January Photo of the Month

Well hell, welcome to 2024 you all, Happy New Years.

I am back again this year to give you the first installment of the ever infamous SPCDA pic of the month.

I am sure there are some of you saying, “that we can’t get rid of the old gal, even after she breaks her tank down”……………lol. Fortunately, no one else wants to do this job, so here I am, still boring you to tears with these monthly duties 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂.

This months winner is a new one to us all, Jeff Anderson. Congrats Jeff, and thanks for your pic ❤.

Bring on the pics for February, I am hoping for another year of 12 different winners. Pictures have to be from your tank, not to tough of a rule to follow, so lets have at another year 🙂🙂

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

December Photo of the Month

Our POTM winner this month is Randy Thereefer, with this pic of some furry acros. Congrats Randy!!!

I will get all this years winners to Joanne in the next month or so, so we can get the POTM prizes all figured out. Thanks to all who have sent in pics this year, some months have been rather sparse, but all in all, we got it figured out to where no one was a repeat winner, which is the way it should be.

Keep sending in the pics tho, some of us are only smart enuf to look at pics 🙂🙂🙂🙂. For me, not having a tank anymore, I find the pics pretty cool to look at just to see what everyone has.

Anyways, before I get too windy, enjoy the month and we will kick off a new POTM thing in January.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

November Photo of the Month

Good morning and welcome to November, and I suppose I should make a choice for our monthly SPCDA pic of the month. The entries were few and far between, but I did find one that hadn’t won a month yet, so here we go 🙂.

Ms. Joanne Vega is this month’s winner with this furry acro. Congrats lady!!

One month left to claim whatever we got going for the winners next year. 11 different winners so far, let’s go for 12 🙂🙂🙂.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

October Photo of the Month

Welcome to October and the fall season. Hope you all are doing well 🙂.

Keep those pictures coming if you haven’t won yet this year 🙂.

Congrats go out to Carla this month!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

September Photo of the Month

Welcome to September and another exciting version of the SPCDA Picture of the Month winner.

This month we have a newbie to the club for a winner. Congrats to Tami Rose for this months pic.

Keep the pics coming folks, 3 months left this year 🙂🙂

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

August Photo of the Month

It’s time for another Picture of the month winner 🙂🙂.
Congrats to Pam Hart Duddy and her Sailfin, they are the August winners of the SPCDA pic of the month.
Keep the pics coming folks, especially you people that have tanks but don’t post pics, we need more new folks winning!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!