All posts by polens

September Photo of the Month

Congratulations to Matt Hellstrom for giving us the September Pic of the month.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

August Photo of the Month

Good Morning and congratulations to Justin T Wøød, for being our August POTM.

Thanks Justin 🙂.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

July Photo of the Month

Welcome to July 🙂.

Congrats to John Walters for this months SPCDA picture of the month. We had some good entries this month, to those who didn’t win, all I can say is keep trying 🙂 🙂.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

June Photo of the Month

Good morning and welcome to June 2022. Hope you all turned the page on your calendars and are enjoying a new pic for the month of June. Speaking of new pics, thanks to all of you that entered a bunch of POTM pics. The only person that entered a pic that hadn’t won before this month was Randy Thereefer, so by process of elimination, I chose his pic for our winner this month. Congrats Randy 🙂🙂.

Please keep entering pics, the way things are going this year, we are liable to have repeat winners……………………lol.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

May Photo of the Month

Good morning and welcome to May 2022. The fact that it is the first of the month brings us to the SPCDA picture of the month 🙂. This month brought us a bunch of pics, and from what I could tell, this one from Ben Carolan was the best I saw. It isn’t our fault that he loves his Sun Coral, but it is a really pretty coral, and this pic does it well. Congrats Ben!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

April Photo of the Month

Welcome to April’s POTM. Congrats to Justin Tegge. Thanks to the folks that entered their pics, keep trying if you didn’t win, I keep all the pics 🙂.

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

March Photo of the Month

So as we welcome March in, it seems as tho it is going to come in like a lion this year. We got a little over an inch of rain yesterday and last night, and everything is pretty over saturated except this months POTM 😉. Since no one entered a pic last month, I had to fall back on a pic from my own library, sorry folks. That being said, this month’s winner is Carla Ehlers. I hope we have a few more entries next month.You get free goodies for winning people, who doesn’t like free goodies???

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

February Photo of the Month

As we welcome February in, our thoughts turn to the February pic of the month! This months winning picture is from the owner of Inland Corals. Thanks to Ron Boyer, for his great picture of strawberry shortcake. Congrats!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

January photo of the month

Well, Happy New Year to all of you 🙂. January’s pic of the month comes from Mark Carden. There were only 3 people to donate this month, and one of em was me…………………… Keep taking pictures folks, this is still happening!!!Congrats Mark, have a great day!!

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!

December photo of the month

Well, for the last time this year, we are doing the SPCDA pic of the month award. So far this year we have had some winners that were new to the club, some winners that have been with the club for a couple of years and some winners that have been around for……………. a while 🙂. This months winner is one of those that has been around since the dirt in Joanne’s back yard was a pup.
Sorry folks, this month’s (December) winner is yours truly. Hope you all can deal with it, but I really liked my Garf Bonsai pic this month.
So next month we start fresh, so folks, start taking pics again

Visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Be sure when you are posting your pictures on our main page, or to the members Facebook group, that you add the tag ‪#‎SPCDAPOTM‬ to your post so we can find the image later for consideration!!

Each year the winners get a free club prize! Our prizes vary, could be a t shirt, a towel for those fishy projects, maybe a mug to drink your fav beverage from.. you never know! Keep entering to find out what will be next!