Category Archives: Featured

BBQ Saturday, Tank Tour Map, Details

The BBQ is upon us! A few last minute updates we want everyone to be sure we don’t forget.

#1 – Our BBQ is also a potluck, and BYOC (Bring your own chair!) – don’t forget to let us know what you are bringing, and don’t forget your chair or you will be sitting on the lawn!

Raffles will start at 5PM; the tank tour will end at our BBQ site sometime between 3 and 4PM; and the BBQ officially starts around 4PM!

You can mention what Potluck item you are bringing here:

#2 – Our BBQ is also a Frag and Equipment swap! Bring your frags, old equipment, etc. – there will be lots to trade, and also lots to buy. Most people prefer cash, and we are at Randy’s house, pretty sure he hasn’t installed an ATM yet.

#3 – The TANK TOUR OF AWESOMENESS starts at 10AM at Matt Hellstrom’s house. Here is the map, if you are planning to attend be sure to flag yourself as “going” on the event on Facebook so we don’t depart without you.

Event –

Map –

No more CoralProps……

Banner2 Sep 2009

Hello all,

I just want to inform you that I decided to stop with my business CoralProps. Yes I am going to miss it but it will free up a lot of my time. And on the plus side I am setting up a fish tank in my house!

I still have lots of frags and corals available that I am selling for great prices. We have Acans, Zoanthids, Montiporas, softies, Blastomussas, Micromussa, Favias hammers, mushrooms and many more.

I also have a ton of live rock and lots of equipement that I am selling (skimmers, heaters, powerheads etc)

Give me a call in case you want to visit the greenhouse. I am this weekend available (Saturday after 4pm and most of the Sunday). But next week will work also.

Maybe it will be now a good time to become member of the club!

Best regards,

Phone: 509-994-5098

April Photo of the Month

Congratulations Rob & Justine and thanks for submitting your awesome Halloween Crab photo!!


Be sure to submit your own photos often.
Enter here

Or visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Each year the winners get a free club t-shirt showcasing all the year’s photo entries! There’s no reason not to enter!!

Support our Sponsors!


March Picture of the Month

Congratulations Stacey! Your picture is the POTM for March!


Be sure to submit your own photos often.
Enter here

Or visit our Facebook page and enter there! Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Reef Society

Each year the winners get a free club t-shirt showcasing all the year’s photo entries! There’s no reason not to enter!!

Support our Sponsors!